DASNY Press Releases

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the ground breaking of a new $250 million inpatient building at South Beach Psychiatric Center in the Ocean Breeze neighborhood of Staten Island. The new 232,000-square-foot facility will replace the Psychiatric Center's 47-year-old buildings that are currently below New York State flood zone height requirements.
The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced that 33 DASNY employees have been trained to implement New York State’s new, stricter Energy Conservation Construction Code for buildings, which goes into effect October 3.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced more than $35 million in upgrades to SUNY campuses throughout the state are complete. The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York completed these projects in time for students to begin the fall semester.
On Monday, July 25, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed the New York State Department of Public Service, the state agency that regulates energy utilities, to take immediate steps to lower statewide energy usage due to weather predictions of high temperatures and humidity across New York State. DASNY supports Governor Cuomo’s directive, as it has been supportive of similar issuances for years. 15 years ago, Executive Order 111 was issued directing state agencies to reduce energy consumption by 25 percent. Since then, DASNY has participated in a voluntary emergency load reduction program coordinated by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), which controls New York’s power grid.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the Humphrey Nature Center at Letchworth State Park is now open to its more than 850,000 annual visitors. The Nature Center is the result of a public-private partnership to establish a four-season, educational facility on Letchworth State Park grounds, and received $3.55 million through Governor Cuomo’s NY Parks 2020 program, a multi-year commitment of $900 million in private and public funding to revitalize State Parks. The Nature Center is named for philanthropist Peter G. Humphrey – whose unrelenting fundraising efforts and commitment to State Parks secured the critical $3.2 million in private investment and grants necessary for making the project a reality.
The Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) today announced the groundbreaking for the installation of five emergency standby generators in communities hard-hit by flooding and storms in recent years. This $1.5 million project is part of the NY Rising Community Reconstruction Program’s efforts to create stronger and resilient infrastructure in the event of a future storm or emergency.
Gerrard P. Bushell, President and CEO of DASNY, announced today New York University issued $829 million in bonds through DASNY, the largest offering for a private client completed by the Authority in its 72 years. A $200 million portion of the low-interest bonds is expected be used to fund construction of NYU School of Medicine’s Langone Science Building. The approximately 350,000 square-foot science building will provide a prominent new gateway to research and education on campus. It will expand on NYU’s existing strength in advanced biomedical research with cutting-edge, shared equipment to accommodate advances in research over time. The bond offerings also provide funding for an applied science center in Brooklyn and a nanoscience laboratory.
Albany, New York (Wednesday, June 15, 2016) – Gerrard P. Bushell, President and CEO of DASNY, announced today $33 million in upgrades to SUNY campuses throughout New York State. The work will be completed in 90 days – ready in time for students returning from summer break. In less time than it takes to finish a full semester, upgrades will have been completed to improve quality of life for thousands of SUNY students statewide. The projects carry with them the added benefit of enhancing economic development by delivering jobs across the state. “These campus upgrades enhance SUNY’s standing as a desired destination for bright young minds,” Bushell said. “DASNY is proud to support its SUNY partners in making them more competitive, delivering jobs across the state and strengthening the role New York’s world-class education system plays in bolstering our economy.”
New York, N.Y. (May 11, 2016) -- DASNY and the New York State Department of Health collaborated to significantly expedite reimbursements from bond proceeds for New York State’s hospitals, nursing homes and other health care institutions, Gerrard P. Bushell, DASNY President and CEO, and Health Commissioner Dr. Howard A. Zucker announced today. Quick access to their funds means these institutions can deliver more for New Yorkers.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced today that Columbia University issued $50 million in Green Bonds through the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York to fund construction of the Jerome L. Greene Science Center on the University's Manhattanville campus. Green Bonds provide investors with the opportunity to directly support projects that Columbia University has identified as environmentally sustainable. The Dormitory Authority sold low-interest, tax-exempt bonds on Columbia's behalf.